Elaine Veltri

5 Qualities of a Great Content Writer

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s annual research, more than 80% of B2B marketers are pumping out content marketing like

5 Ideas for Crafting Creative Company Taglines

Coming up with a really, catchy slogan for your company can be tricky. Not only should slogans or company taglines

Building Confidence Is Key in Marketing Wearable Technology

With so many advancements in wearable technology, marketing devices that work in conjunction with smartphones and laptops will require companies

The Connecting Power of Hashtags

Trials and tribulations are inevitable. And when one fiery, unexpected trial descends, it can be excruciating if we are not

With Content Marketing, You Want the Gold Digger!

When I decided to sell my charming Cape Cod-style home on my own in a grueling, competitive market, I wanted

5 Tips for Managing Stress in the Workplace

5 Tips for Managing Stress in the Workplace

Everyone experiences ruts at various points in their lives, and the stress of those times can spill over into our

YouTube Turns 10 on Valentine’s Day!

YouTube Turns 10 on Valentine’s Day!

Are you looking forward to or dreading this Valentine’s Day? Regardless of your plans, there may be another reason to

Sometimes All It Takes Is Six Seconds

Sometimes All It Takes Is Six Seconds

It may come as no surprise that my 18-year-old daughter is the main culprit for repeatedly dominating or exhausting our

Blog Titles and Calls to Action: Aim for Truth in Titles and FIBs in CTA

Blog Titles and Calls to Action: Aim for Truth in Titles and FIBs in CTA

With millions of blogs being published online every day, it’s vitally important to create an experience for your target audience